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Vaad Hatznius: Exposing the public Chilul Hashem in the Frum Community

I am appalled by how the frum Oilam have been drawn in to the sexual escapades of the goyishe velt and the chilul hashem. As the gemorah says, if you want to sin, go far away where no one will know you. Why, so you don't cause a chilul hashem.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

HIV In Crown Heights

There have been recent rumors regarding a well known sheitel macher in Crown Heights who is rumored to be HIV positive. It is also rumored that she was extremely sexually active in the community, and has know to have slept with quite a number of frum men.

This leads to another question of concern, and that is:

Now that this crisis is life threatening, and one who 'plays' around and risks catching a life threatening disease, and transmitting it to their spouse, don't they have a din rodeif?

If they do, then don't we need to be aggressive in our enforcement and monitoring. Shouldn't our Rabbonim develop a real Vaad Hatznius that will actively pursue these individuals before they chas v'shalom kill their wives, and/or children.

Why do our frum men and women think they are immune to such life threatening illnesses. For all the non-believers who say that there are no HIV+ people in the frum community feel free to contact the Tzvi Aryeh AIDS Foundation at TzviAryeh@aol.com or 212-866-6306.