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Vaad Hatznius: Exposing the public Chilul Hashem in the Frum Community

I am appalled by how the frum Oilam have been drawn in to the sexual escapades of the goyishe velt and the chilul hashem. As the gemorah says, if you want to sin, go far away where no one will know you. Why, so you don't cause a chilul hashem.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Just asking:

Which up and coming Jewish music star is posting on Craigslist looking for some not frum activities?

He is causing a chilul hashem, and he was warned to stop. Just because he's not from the US, doesn't mean we can't put a screeching halt to his career.

Update 9/12:
Please note that we are not referring to Yeedle Werdyger, and we are not here to discuss his aledge misdeeds.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Dvar Torah

I just heard this story from Harav Cohn and I thought it appropriate to share it here.

This story was told over by him at the Symposium regarding Business Ethics in Boro Park a few weeks ago, and is available on Tape/CD.

He says that he had a women come to him with a Shaleh, that she did business with a frum person that had a cash business, and she paid him with a check. The FBI was investigating this person, and visited her, and asked her to turn over documentation.

She came to him to ask him what to do. So he called Rav Schwab, and asked him, "A Frum person has a cash business, ..............." so Rav Schwab asked him to repeat the question. So he said: "A Frum person has a cash business, ...............", and again Rav Shcwab asked him to repeat the question. So again he said, "A Frum person", when Rav Shwab interrupted him, and screamed: "Frum, no he is not frum, and how dare you call him Frum!!!!"

The same is very applicable here. "Frum guy seeking discreet relationship" He is not frum. He is an embarrassment to all of us, and he does not believe. Although he may go with chasidishe levush, or eat only cholov yisroel, and be shomer shabbos, but he is not Frum!! Who is he kidding?

I recently heard from someone who was visiting America from Bnei Brak, that he is going back to Eretz Yisroel, and he is going to tell them that he discovered a new phenomenon. He discovered Chilonim with Shtreimlechs!! Just because one dresses the part, doesn't make him frum.

Rabboisai, let's stop the chilul hashem. Can anyone sit by idly and not suffer when he sees this?

Why oh why?

Why do people not heed our warnings. Why do people have to continue to post Chilul Hashem causing ads on some of the worst sites around?

I just heard from a ruv this morning talking about the problem of talking in shul. He said that although he complains about it, he understands it.

What I have said on many occasion, is that although I understand a man has a Taaveh, and wants to do something to fulfill it, but why cause a chilul hashem? Does one really have a taaveh to make a chilul hashem? Why after repeated requests, does one still feel the need to do so?

Yes Greg (you know who you are), why do you continue to publish your sick ads? When will it stop? Do we need to post your picture here? Do we need to inform your workplace that you like to 'rape' frum girls? What do we need to do to get you to stop?

To all my critics: I am not here to judge anyone, and yes there are other things in our community that need to be fixed too!!! But that doesn't justify the chilul hashem. Just because there are child abusers, cheaters, rapists, molester, etc, does that justify one making such a huge chilul hashem. I don't care if you are straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, etc.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Misdirected Anger

I am appaled but not suprised, at the number of angry messages I am getting about this site.

Why isn't there any anger against those that are bringing shame to all of Klal Yisrael. Why is there more support for the cheaters, abusers, and others, than for the Rabbonim that are looking to fix things. When Rabbonim made the internet ASSUR, everyone said they were overreacting. When Rabbonim asser mixed affairs everyone says they are overreacting.

So which way do you want it?? Are we going to listen to those that are wiser, or not? If not, then we need to be prepared to suffer the consequences.

I am breaking up marriages? That is the typical response from cheaters, who look to manipulate the situation into making themselves into victims. If you chose to cheat, then you destroyed your own life.

I will not back off, regardless of all ot the threats made against me. I will not be intimidated by a few low-lifes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Warning: If you post on Craigslist, you will be exposed.

We are getting sick and tired of people posting frum ads on Craigslist and causing a chilul hashem. We are warning all those that continue to do so, we will expose you, and the embarrasment you suffer will be great.

Avoid the chilul hashem.

Yes I am sure that we will get alot of nasty comments about our tactics, but its nothing compared to the sickening chilul hashem.

As we have stated on many occassions, we are not looking to stop the fact that people will act as people, and sleep around, etc. We are only concerned with chilul hashem. We are not here to bust everyone that uses a hooker, or every couple that swings, etc. That is not our purpose. Our purpose is to avoid chilul hashem, and there is no greater chilul hashem than a posting: "Frum married man seeks a Frum married women to keep me company when my wife is in the country". If the ad would have read, "Lonely man seeks company" we wouldn't bother.

Monday, June 27, 2005

So which location is next.

We are very encouraged by our recent success in closing down a brothel in a heimishe neighborhood that was catering and advertising to exclusively the frum oilam. We are now in contact with the Brooklyn South Vice Squad, to get them to focus on some of the other locations. We urge all those locations to close shop, before we come after you.

The locations we are targeting in the next phase include:

1. 16th/44th
2. 8th/51st
3. 12th/52nd
4. 12th/39th
5. 14th/61st
6. 20th/58th
7. 18th/67th
8. Ocean Parkway/Ave J
9. Ocean Parkway/Kings Highway

We are still compiling data on some other locations. If you are bothered by this activity, and want to report a location, feel free to contact us.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Success! Thanks to our efforts.


June 24, 2005 -- Cops yesterday raided a brothel operating in the heart of a quiet Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn.

Four people were arrested in the early-morning raid at 1811 Avenue J in Midwood.

Three women — Joyce Reed, 25; Keesha Harris, 24; and Zina Fleyshman, 20 — were charged with prostitution.

Yosaf Mizrahi, 40, was busted for promoting prostitution — an indication he was involved in the operation of the brothel, and not merely a customer. Erika Martinez

For all the others out there, be warned, there are more to come. (Boro Park, Bensonhurst, Flatbush, Sheepshead Bay, Williamsburg).

Monday, May 16, 2005

Silence is Great

Contrary to the comments, we are not dead and very much alive. I am greatly enjoying the outspoken negative comments and bashing. It is just those type of people who are the crux of the problem. It is those people who are bringing the frum heimishe community the shame and bad name within the press. It is those people that we intend to reform.

Out blog has actually had many successes, as we have contacted some active frum players, and after threatening to expose their shady ways, have reformed, or at least gone underground.

As I said in my earlier posts, I know that we cannot stop the activities, and our only goal is to at least prevent chilul hashem.